Author Archives: admin

Comparison of Recycling and Wellness Movements

The Wellness movement has many similarities to its environmental brethren the recycling program as it tries to become a regular part of our society?  Let’s take a look at the rise of the recycling movement. For many of today’s generation, they have grown up with sorting materials into multiple recycling bins (or one bin now in Seattle) such…

Maintenance Schedule

Many in the US culture treat their bodies like their cars.  They ignore all of the early warning signs and drive the car (our body) until the vehicle breaks down requiring a tow (ambulance ride) back to a repair shop (hospital).  At that point, we spend lots of money to repair the problem in order…

Reframing Health care

What’s the first thing you think of or do when I ask you to visualize biting into a lemon?  For most, you wince knowing how tart a lemon can be on its own, though when added to other ingredients, it can be quite flavorful and useful.  The same seems to hold true when we visualize…

Wellness 2.0

It is a given, you will die at some point – till that time comes, how do you want to feel: sad, depressed, and in constant pain or feeling strong, energetic and happy?  In order to achieve that good feeling state, I put forth the following Wellness Guidelines for individuals and companies. Healthy Habits Addressing healthy…

Lunch Room Enhancement, Case Study

Does your lunch room/space entice you or turn you off when you think about visiting it?  If you chose the second answer, there are a few enhancements that you can make with a limited budget and a little bit of time to remove the environmental barriers to encourage employees to get away from the desk…

Mixed Messages

The Sunday morning paper is chock filled with advertisements to buy the latest office supplies, electronics, furniture, and food.  While many skip over the coupons, I’m one to check to see when I can save a few bucks.  The latest coupon packet was an example of the mixed messages that our country faces when trying…

Second Chances: Part II of II

Lessons from a Heart Attack Do more with less has been the mantra since the “Great Recession” struck in 2008.  Employers have come to expect more out of the employees that are remaining on staff, not realizing the toll they are extracting from them.  With more time spent at work and less time to practice…

Second Chances: Part I of II

PORTRAIT OF A HEART ATTACK I get the call from a friend: “John is in the hospital.  He had a heart attack!”  I’m thinking to myself: How is this possible, he’s only a couple of years older than myself and an active individual.  How could he have a heart attack?   Thankfully, through a combination…

Community Priorities

The mark of a great community is evidence by the values its members share and what priorities are important to them.  Seattle is currently faced with a dilemma over a new stadium proposal.  This pits the multi-billion dollar industry of sports entertainment versus the needs of a community desperately trying to fund its education and community programs that…

HR Black Swan

A highly contagious flu bug hits your company of 100 employees and 50% can’t show up to work.  Can your business still function for the day?  What about a week or more? This would be classified as a Black Swan for Human Resources. So what is a Black Swan? Nassim Nicholas Taleb defines a Black Swan…