Author Archives: admin


CANCER.  It is a word that many are fearful of hearing.  When one hears this word from a doctor, their life is turned upside down.  Our mortality all of sudden becomes real and the fear of pain and death take center stage.  Thoughts race through our head: “If I go through treatment how much pain…

Disconnect for Progress

Has your motivation plateaued when it comes to your workout?  The issue could be the little device that you feel you can’t seem to live without – your cell phone. I’ve read about CEO’s carrying 3 to 4 cell phones with them in order to keep up with their business, while students spend time in class constantly…

Why Wait

Companies and individuals are no different when it comes to committing to a wellness program.  They both have the same fears and excuses as to changing their routines. Time Individual: I don’t have time in my schedule to exercise or cook my meals. Company: We have too many projects that are due; we can’t spare…

Definition Clarity

There seems to be some confusion with wellness and health insurance.  To clarify, just because you have health insurance does not mean you are healthy or well.  Quite the contrary as there is a big difference between these two. Insurance is defined as: “The act, system, or business of insuring property, life, one’s person, etc.,…

Love the Moment

I love what I do. Showing individuals and groups how to experience life at a whole other level just by making small changes in their daily lives. My reward and satisfaction comes when I see that “aha moment” of accomplishing more than they thought was possible. Now, at times I may reflect on the past…

The Lost Meaning of a Treat

When you look back on the past few days, how many times a day did you give you or your child a food treat?  Was it once, twice, or multiple times each day? According to the World English Dictionary, the definition of a treat is “Any delightful surprise or specially pleasant occasion.”   The issue…

Finding the Child Within

In first grade, what was your favorite subject?  For most it was recess.  This was the time when teachers breathed a sigh of relief as all the students were let outdoors to run amok.  When the doors flew open, everyone ran around with wild abandon while screaming on occasion at the top of their lungs that…

Billy Beane and Wellness

What do Billy Beane and Corporate Wellness have in common?  For those that are not familiar with Billy Beane, he is the General Manager of the Oakland A’s baseball team.  There was a book written and movie recently released (Moneyball) that detail his trials and tribulations to change what tools were used to build a…

Wellness and the Future of Performance Reviews

Whose responsibility is “wellness?” Ultimately, individuals are responsible for their own health. But, does an employer bear some responsibility, too? Most people are aware they need to follow the 4 Pillars of Healthy Behavior: Exercise daily Eat good healthy food in the right amounts Sleep 7+ hours Avoid health risks such as alcohol, tobacco, and…

Corporate Wellness Begins with the Executive Team

For a Corporate Wellness program to be successful, it needs to have the endorsement and support from the executive team.  Not to mention, active involvement or leading by example also helps to promote the cause.  I’ve included some examples of leading by example when it comes to wellness.  Eric Schiermeyer is the co-founder of Zynga: …