Disconnect for Progress

Has your motivation plateaued when it comes to your workout?  The issue could be the little device that you feel you can’t seem to live without – your cell phone.
I’ve read about CEO’s carrying 3 to 4 cell phones with them in order to keep up with their business, while students spend time in class constantly checking their friends updates on their phones rather than listening to the instructor.  This technology habit seems to have carried over when it comes time to exercise.
While I applaud those that visit the gym, their use of technology while exercising is keeping their mind and body from reaching its potential.  Just like oil and water don’t mix, texting while using an elliptical machine is not a combination that works well together either as you can truly only focus on one thing at a time.  You do a disservice to your workout if you try and do both.
Exercise also allows your brain to get fired up and for the creative ideas to flourish.  However, those ideas can be squelched or never materialize when focus is continually placed on the phones not allowing the brain to focus on other avenues.  The brain needs time away from computer and cell phone screens to re-energize.
Let intensity be your friend in the workout rather than your fast and furious texting thumbs.  Thirty minutes is not too much to ask to disconnect from the wired world by leaving the phones in the locker room.  Your mind and body will thank you later!

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