
Under a crisp, northwest morning, Second Nature Wellness Consulting took flight.  A small group of hardy souls ventured out to the West Seattle track to begin their ascension towards their health and wellness goals.  Like a mountaineer, step by step, we will enjoy the journey as we progress up that mountain to the summit.

Everyone has their own dreams, the only person stopping them from achieving it is them self.  I look forward to working with individuals and corporate entities as we make that step together towards happy and healthy lifestyles and achieving those dreams.

Thank you to my family and friends as they support me on this journey of transforming people lives.  Now off to begin the first steps and realizing my dream!



One Response to Lift-Off
  1. Jim Gahagan
    March 22, 2011 | 5:36 pm

    You are ON TO SOMETHING here. Good luck to you in your new venture. I think there should be a lot of folks interested in achieving wellness.
    You are the best at what you do – keep it up.

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