Category Archives: Health Care

Why Wait

Companies and individuals are no different when it comes to committing to a wellness program.  They both have the same fears and excuses as to changing their routines. Time Individual: I don’t have time in my schedule to exercise or cook my meals. Company: We have too many projects that are due; we can’t spare…

Definition Clarity

There seems to be some confusion with wellness and health insurance.  To clarify, just because you have health insurance does not mean you are healthy or well.  Quite the contrary as there is a big difference between these two. Insurance is defined as: “The act, system, or business of insuring property, life, one’s person, etc.,…

Wellness and the Future of Performance Reviews

Whose responsibility is “wellness?” Ultimately, individuals are responsible for their own health. But, does an employer bear some responsibility, too? Most people are aware they need to follow the 4 Pillars of Healthy Behavior: Exercise daily Eat good healthy food in the right amounts Sleep 7+ hours Avoid health risks such as alcohol, tobacco, and…

Exploring Your Neighborhood

Recently, nine new trail maps (Way-finding Stations) were installed in different parts of the West Seattle neighborhood.  These are fantastic tools to help people get out and explore their local community.  Not only are they tastefully done design wise, they include useful information for things that you can walk or hike to such as: People…

UPDATE: Profits over Health

An update from the post on 3/17/11.  The FDA has granted movie theaters an exception to posting calorie counts on their menus.  This is just another example of a business lobby group exercising (if only we could get them to do real exercise)  it’s influence over the government.  So rather than do the right thing…

Profits over Health

Most people enjoy the full experience of watching movies in the theater.  With the big screen, amazing sound, and yes, the extra large soda and popcorn.  It’s tough to say “No” to that fresh buttery popcorn smell when you enter the building.  We see this as a little indulgence as when we go out to…