Monthly Archives: March 2011


Any time you are trying to make a change, whether it be for work or personal, it can be challenging to keep yourself  motivated.  One of the best ways to help push through those low times is to use a buddy system.  It can be one buddy or multiple buddies, just someone else to help…

The Need to Move

When I say exercise,  what is the first thought that comes to mind.  For most people, they think of going to the gym and that image intimidates many.  Because there is a negative association with bodily movement, we tend to prioritize this need lower on our list of things to do on a daily basis….

Profits over Health

Most people enjoy the full experience of watching movies in the theater.  With the big screen, amazing sound, and yes, the extra large soda and popcorn.  It’s tough to say “No” to that fresh buttery popcorn smell when you enter the building.  We see this as a little indulgence as when we go out to…


Under a crisp, northwest morning, Second Nature Wellness Consulting took flight.  A small group of hardy souls ventured out to the West Seattle track to begin their ascension towards their health and wellness goals.  Like a mountaineer, step by step, we will enjoy the journey as we progress up that mountain to the summit. Everyone…